VietQR Payment MQTTs
Description of the integration process for the VietQR payment service suite using the MQTT protocol to transmit transaction information to other systems.
Partners need to complete the account registration process with full information to identify and secure the account. The default integration information will be in the Test (Sandbox) environment.
Basic steps to integrate with VietQR:
Connect with VietQR.
Set up and connect to VietQR MQTTs.
The partner implements MQTT to receive Balance Changes.
The partner implements MQTT to request the creation of VietQR payment codes.
The partner implements MQTT to receive VietQR payment feedback.
The partner simulates successful payment via MQTT (Apply this step in the Test environment).
Acceptance testing and request GoLive in the production environment.
Connection parameters:
Address of the broker for publishers and subscribers to connect.
Username for authentication with the broker (if any).
Password for authentication with the broker (if any).
Topic request
Topic for publishers to send requests.
Topic response
Topic for publishers to send responses back to subscribers after processing requests.
The connection parameters will be provided by VietQR to the partner.
Publishers: Entities (devices, applications) that send data or messages to a specific topic on the broker. Publishers do not need to know about the subscribers (the recipients) but only need to send messages to the topic.
Subscribers: Entities that subscribe to receive messages from one or more topics on the broker. When a new message is sent to a topic they have subscribed to, the broker forwards that message to the subscribers.
Last updated