Retry Process

Retry Process Guide in VietQR System

The Retry Process is the procedure in which VietQR automatically resends the previously failed account balance notification (ABN) information to the partner. This process consists of two main parts:

1. Transactions failed due to timeout or connection errors between the VietQR system and the partner: VietQR will retry, meaning it will resend the ABN information.

2. Transactions receiving error codes from the partner’s Transaction-sync API: If the error code belongs to the set of codes requiring retry action, VietQR will retry the transaction.

VietQR Retry Process

• VietQR will retry the ABN information until it receives a successful response from the partner or a response with error codes that do not require retry.

• The transaction will be retried up to 10 times. During the first minute, VietQR will retry 5 times. From the second minute onward, the system will retry once per minute.

• When integrating the retry process, the partner should check for duplicate transaction codes (referenceNumber) to avoid duplicate transaction information. VietQR ensures that duplicate transactions are not recorded.

Steps for Integrating the Retry Process

1. VietQR provides a file format for the partner to declare their error codes.

2. The partner inputs their error codes into the file.

3. VietQR configures the retry integration based on the partner’s error codes.

4. Both parties conduct testing and acceptance of the process.

5. The partner proceeds to go live with the retry process.

This guide ensures a smooth retry process and helps avoid unwanted errors.

Last updated