💱VietQR Payment APIs

Describe the integration process for VietQR payment API services.


Partners need to complete the account registration process with full information to identify and secure the account. The default integration information will be the Test environment (Sandbox).

The basic steps to integrate with VietQR are as follows:

  1. Connect with VietQR.

  2. Implement the Get Token API on the partner's side.

  3. Implement the Transaction Sync API on the partner's side.

  4. Declare the connection information on the VietQR.vn website.

  5. Pass the username and password provided by VietQR after declaration in step 4 to the Get Token API.

  6. Use the token from step 5 to call the Generate VietQR Code API to create the payment code.

  7. Call the Test Callback API to simulate a successful payment for the transaction created in step 6.

  8. Complete acceptance testing and request GoLive in the production environment.

Integration Environment and Domain



Used in the testing integration process.


Used for deployment to end users.

HTTP Request Configuration



application/json; charset=UTF-8



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